3 Phase Qigong 

Transformative & Easy to Learn Practices


What you get:

  • 12 modules and 32 lessons ($47 value)
  • 1 month FREE 3 Phase Qigong Community Subscription ($12 value)
  • The Quadrant and 3 Phase ebook ($12 value)
  • Quadrant Workbook ($12 Value)
  • 15% DISCOUNT
Offer Value: $83
Your Price Today: $40 
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What Students are Saying

Great Experience!

Adam Holtey’s 3-Phase Qigong program is fun and his caring and relaxed demeanor made me excited to start the practice. I was motivated to try Qigong in order to increase my flexibility and to combat aging. But, it has changed my life in so many other positive ways. I have found that with Qigong, I have also found a fun way to challenge myself physically and mentally. I have reduced my blood pressure to a healthy level. For the past five years I have battled my high blood pressure. Pressure going as high as 214/1I2 and never being in the normal range, my range was 130-150/90-100. In just five weeks of Qigong, my blood pressure is 107/69, I am ecstatic. I have increased my strength and my energy level is soaring. It also helps me make it through normal life with far less stress. I feel Qigong is the best health insurance plan you can buy, considering that preventative medicine is the best medicine. I use to always say I didn’t have time to exercise. You need to make the time in your life for what’s important and what’s important to me is the benefits from practicing Qigong. I feel a lot better–physically and emotionally.

~ Cindy

Your classes have been invaluable

I took about a dozen Qigong classes from you in Central Point many years ago. In the last few years I've built my own Qigong practice using your classes and parts of videos from several other practitioners. Your classes have been invaluable, because your instruction focused on the importance of breathing, stretching and balance as we flow through the movements. Balance is often not mentioned in other instruction, but I think it's an important goal to keep in mind as we become familiar with the routine. Striving to maintain balance also keeps you focused on your body and focused in the moment. In the last few years I have practiced several times a week, and am working towards the goal of a daily Qigong practice to maintain flexibility, strength and overall health. I'm 66, and I believe this is a practice I can continue for the rest of my life. Thank you for your dedication.

~Genetta Hughes

What's in The 3 Phase Qigong Introductory Course

  • Qigong warm-up and concluding exercises.
  • Video instruction in traditional Qigong forms.
  • Audio meditations for relaxation and for utilizing the healing powers of the Five Elements.
  • Journaling prompts for every module.
  • Supportive text from my book, The Quadrant and 3 Phases.
  • Postures for developing deep and natural abdominal breathing.
  • Movement sequences to improve balance and agility.
  • Informative video lectures.
  • Bonus materials!

Sign up today for 3 Phase Qigong Introductory Course